1940  February 5
HR Giger is born in Chur as the second child of Melly Giger-Meier and the pharmacist Hans Richard Giger. Above their Steinbock pharmacy is the large, dingy rented apartment which along with the entrance corridor and the pharmacy itself becomes his favourite playground. His sister Iris is seven years older.

HR Giger at the age of ten months.  Richard and Melly Giger in front of the restaurant “Adler” in Mammern at their marriage in 1932.

Attends nursery school, first the Catholic Marienheim and then quickly transferred to Auntie Grittli’s Reform(ational) Kindergarten.

HRG and his father in Flims. Hans Richard Giger in the Steinbock-Apotheke (Capricorn Pharmacy).

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